Sunday, February 8, 2015

First Week in Room 7

We've had a great first week back at school. We have been reading about Waitangi Day, writing a short story about how it felt the night before school started, introduced ourself to the rest of the class by completeing a Pepeha, and on Friday afternoon we had the first "Discovery Time' for the year.
Some people chose to create things using modelling clay

Some people chose to paint

Some people chose to create a play using finger puppets

Some people chose to tell a story by making collage out of magazine pictures

Some people chose to play maths games using mini white-boards

"Discovery Time" was very successful and we will have it again later in the term.


Anonymous said...

Hi Room 7
I enjoyed being in your class this week and was very impressed with your lovely manners and how kind you are to each other. Well done!
Love Mrs Buckley :)

Unknown said...

Discovery time looks fun. Your classroom is already looking so vibrant and beautiful - you've done a lot of work already! From Ollie's Mum xx