Tuesday, March 27, 2012

How big is big?

Ever wondered how big is big? How small is small? This amazing website will help you figure it out. From a 'planck length' to the observable universe, take a look at the biggest and smallest, and everything in between!


Friday, March 23, 2012


Room 7 will be investigating why, after almost 100 years, we still remember ANZAC Day.

What relevance does it have for us in 2012?

We will be using the Year 3-4 ANZAC Day wiki to help us understand more about the ANZAC spirit.

To start off, watch the clip below about Simpson and his Donkey. We have this book in the school library, have you read it?

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Taking a different approach

In Room 7 I use different teaching techniques to help students learn in different ways

Recently students  learned about the anatomy of butterflies. Rather than write a report about what was learned, students made a plastercine model and then labeled it.

Have a look!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Mathletics Success- Room 7 makes Top 50 NZ classes!

Well done Room 7! Your efforts in Mathletics have resulted in us placing in the TOP 50 classes in New Zealand- at number 43!

What a great effort- and keep enjoying Mathletics!