Friday, June 11, 2010

The changes that starch and yeast goes through

Over the last two weeks we have explored what changes starch and yeast can go through.

We have discovered that starch and yeast stay inactive (not doing anything) until they are excited/activated. Warm water was a way we activated both the starch and the yeast.

We discovered that starch swells up and becomes sticky when it is activated.

We discovered that because yeast is a living organism, it needs to be fed as well as watered, before it activates (comes alive).

Once the yeast has been woken up by the warm water, and has fed on the sugar, it starts releasing CO2. The CO2 made all the bubbles we could see. The yeast underwent a chemical change.

We experimented by mixing yeast, sugar and warm water together, then added that to a flour (starch) and water mixture, to see what would happen.

Some of us thought the mixture turned into something resembling pizza dough.

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