Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Inquiry Presentations

This week the Room 7 children have presented their inquiry findings on the question: How do animals survive in the extreme climate of Antarctica?

Click on the 'writing blog' link to the right, and have a look at the videos of children presenting their answer in the form of a puppet show. Some children chose to present their answer in the form of posters, brochures or comic strips, and there are photos of these as well.

The final phase of this inquiry will have us looking at how human are currently using the resources of Antarctica, and what environmental protection is in place to protect the last pristine wilderness on our planet.


Mrs Chao Muritai school said...

Wow Room 7 you have all done a great job. The posters and plays were great. Lots of information and very interesting. I can't wait till Room 11 sees them.
Take care
Mrs C

Mrs R said...

Room 7 you are soooooo creative!! What fantastic alternatives to just writing things down. I loved looking at all your puppet shows and posters and I am sure you all enjoyed sharing your information with each other. Well done Mr Dobson, your class are very lucky to have you!
Mrs R.