Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Information Literacy

Information literacy is an important skill for students to learn. In a world that is absolutely swimming in facts and figures, students need to learn the skills of how to sort, process and use information, so they can best understand it, ultimately improving their learning. Lots has been written about ‘information literacy’ and why it is important for student to be information literate. Jamie McKenzie has been thinking about how students develop information literate behaviours for a long time. You can learn more about his ideas here.

This term, the children in Room 7 have been using graphic organisers to help record and use the information readily available through print and electronic media. This week we have explored how using a mind-map, one of the simplest types of graphic organisers, can encourage the development of sound information literacy skills. Mind-maps can be used to note-take without plagiarising, if used to record key words rather than whole sentences. Later, students use the key word notes on the mind-map to reconstruct understanding and write in sentences what they have understood.

This week, feel free to ask your child to bring home their draft book and explain how their mind-map has helped them write a factual report.

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