Monday, March 31, 2008


Over the next few weeks, between now and the start of the holidays, Room 7 will be inquiring into the origins of ANZAC Day, and the ways that people remember events that have happened in the past.

Around Eastbourne are a number of war memorials. We plan to visit some and reflect on why they are there.

We will also learn more about the ANZAC legend. What is ANZAC Day all about? Why to we commemorate an event that happened over 90 years ago?

Check out the Brainways ANZAC Day day website. It can be found in the Year 3-4 section of the school intranet.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Super Sandwich Day

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Super Sandwich Day (Friday 4th April) is the culmination of our inquiry into why it is important to eat a balanced, healthy diet.

Students are presently designing a sandwich that will show their understanding of the ‘eat most, eat moderately, eat least’ pyramid. Of course, they get to be a little creative with how the sandwich will look!

The photos above show some Room 7 students planning what their sandwiches will look like.


Over the last couple of weeks, some of the students in Room 7 have been learning how to argue a proposition, by taking different sides in an argument. We have learned that it is OK to agree or disagree with a statement, as long as we have evidence to support what we are arguing.

During Reading time, we have been exploring the proposition that “Sharks are very mis-understood animals”. Our inquiry has focused on choosing a side of the proposition to argue, then finding, recording and using information to support our position.